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Tanya's Vision

While our current Board of Supervisors has made tremendous progress during Tanya's first term, there’s still important work to be done to create a more customer-centric approach to serving Montgomery Township. These issues will be among Tanya's top priorities in her next term as Supervisor.

Image by Sigmund

Attainable Housing

Much progress remains to be made in the effort to develop an effective plan to address the critical lack of affordable housing in Montgomery Township. This growing issue has disproportionately affected our Black and brown communities and is preventing an increasing number of young people from looking to raise their families here. As parts of community are still coping with the effects of Hurricane Ida on their housing security, this issue must become a priority of our leadership at every level of office.

Workforce Development

Our county has so many vital services to offer our residents, but recruitment and retention of county staff is a persistent and major challenge across every department. The county has commissioned a compensation study, but this only the first step in addressing this critical issue. Once this compensation study is completed in July, adjustments will need to be prioritized because the critical services offered through our county cannot be executed efficiently without sufficient, well-paid staff in place to do so.

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Image by National Cancer Institute

Mental Health Services

Currently in Montgomery County, there is a shortage of in-patient mental health facilities, as well as care providers. We remain ill-equipped to provide essential healthcare to all residents struggling with addiction and mental illness. We need to have the space, and the community partnerships in place, to ensure every resident, every family in need of in-patient care has a safe, supportive, local care facility available to them.

Infrastructure Investments

With dozens of ongoing high-priority projects in progress, and millions of dollars worth of critical improvements awaiting funding, there is careful planning to be done to reprioritize and properly balance our infrastructure funding needs. Beyond ensuring our roads and bridges are safe and well-maintained, we must also focus on resilience and sustainability, identifying vulnerabilities, and helping our municipalities anticipate and respond strategically to the impacts of an increasingly extreme climate on our infrastructure.

Image by Daniel McCullough
Image by Zan

Information Accessibility

The Montgomery County website needs significant updating to make information more readily available to our residents. The capabilities are there and the programs are in place, but we need to approach our web presence with a fresh eye toward making our online resources more user-friendly. Beyond improving the accessibility of these resources, significant community outreach into each of our 62 municipalities is absolutely necessary to educate the entire community on the many county services that are available – and too often unknown – to our residents.

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